2023.10.20-22 Art Shopping Paris
I will be exhibiting at France’s art fair “Salon Art Shopping Paris” from October 20th (Friday) to October 22nd (Monday), 2023. This is my first time exhibiting at an art fair in four years since October 2019. It all started here, so I’m looking forward to the art work I’m doing now, the scenery I can see from my current perspective, and the people I’ll be able to meet.
Art Shopping Paris 2023
2023.10.20 – 10.22
Vernissage / Preview : 10.20 19:00 –
at Carrousel du Louvre

2023.10.20-22 Art Shopping Parisに出展します
サロン・アート・ショッピング・パリ 2023
ヴェルニサージュ / 内覧会:20日 19:00〜
会場:Carrousel du Louvre(カルーゼル・デュ・ルーヴル)